Hey #CleanFreaks! We’re wrapping up another action-packed season with an episode dedicated to the tiny but mighty components that put the buzz in our ultrasonic cleaners -- ultrasonic transducers! What are they? Why are they important? And how are they making a big difference in Sterile Processing? Joining us this week to answer these buzz-worthy questions and more is ultrasonic cleaner extraordinaire, Pawel de Sternberg Stojalowski. From the science behind cavitation to the anatomy of these critical cleaning components, Pawel is dishing out his expert tips to help you maximize your ultrasonic cleaning power. We'll explore the different types of transducers, discuss how to spot potential issues, and uncover why proper testing is the key to confident cleaning. If you’ve ever wondered what’s really happening inside your SPD’s ultrasonic cleaner, this episode is for you! Tune in today!
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#BeyondClean #SterileProcessing #WeFightDirty