
Eat Clean, Fight Dirty: SPD & the Breakroom Fridge

Is your SPD's breakroom fridge clean as a whistle or a ticking time bomb of workplace drama? On this episode of Beyond Clean Season 25, "The Little Things that Make a Big Difference," we're joined by Nicole Walley and Stacey Gielen to explore how this breakroom centerpiece can be a powerful indicator of your department’s workplace culture. From mysterious disappearing lunches to team-building cleaning days, we'll uncover the surprising impact a well-maintained fridge can have on staff performance and department harmony. Get ready to chill out with some cool insights on how you can help transform your breakroom into a relaxing, comfortable space for all – and it all starts with the breakroom fridge! So, grab your headphones and press play – your team's morale will thank you!

Season 25 of Beyond Clean releases under the 1 Episode = 1 CE delivery model. After finishing this interview, earn your 1 CE credit immediately by passing the short quiz linked below each week. Visit our CE Credit Hub at beyondcleanmedia.com/ce-credit-hub to access this quiz and over 350 other free CE credits. 

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